Thursday, October 13, 2005

The job search contiues

I was hoping I could work at the lab full-time, not because I want to do genetic research, but because it would have been easy. I have been messing with my resume and cover letter for about a week now. It's kinda scary to think I have to send this out to people and hopefully get an interview for it. So far I have applied for some RA I positions at some labs, some different positions at IDT and am perfecting my cover letter and resume for a project assistant position at NADS. I really want the NADS position, because it wouldn't involve biology or working over night! It would also be kinda nice to not be on the main campus all the time. I think I have some good references with one of the top surgeons in the country on my list, but I am still kinda freaked out.


Ken said...

I had mention the photograph site to you in TKD. Here is the site.

NIKON Small World Awards

Off-topic I know. Good Luck on the job search.

Ken said...

Hmmm My tag doesn't seem to be working. Send me an Email address and I'll send the link.

Chelsea said...

I just searched for it and found the site. I actually knew what most of the pictures were when I read the descriptions! I even knew some of the techniques they used to take the pics.