Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Growing up, I was a huge fan of the X-Files. I watched it every chance I had as well as Star Trek. The same was true for Buffy and now Stargate. I am obviously a sci-fi fan and have almost all the seasons of Buffy and Stargate as well as most of my other fave sci-fi TV shows except X-Files. The seasons of X-Files have always been expensive until recently. Today they are even cheaper. I just found the whole series on Amazon for $100 less than I have ever seen it. I am sooo tempted. I have the money and a gift certificate at Amazon. The seasons of Buffy that I don't have are also on sale as is Angel. Crap! I am trying to save money. Stupid Amazon.

Oh! I finally got my "run" in today. It was less of workout than I was hoping for so I will be bumping up the intensity a bit, I think. I thought about starting with the second week, since I am a fairly active person, but the info about the program said follow it exactly so you don't get burned out. I am pretty sure they were talking to those couch potatoes and not the somewhat-active-persons-who-hate-running.


AndreaLea said...

Yea running!! I haven't started running again yet since it's been so cold and I'm still sort of jet lagged.

Rachel said...

I saw on your sidebar that you were going to be starting a running program--I am curious to see how that one works with you. I use one I found in Fitness years ago and I really like it...starts slow but you get some intensity with interval/hill workouts from the get go. Good luck with this!

btw--finished one River Rapids sock and no hole, no ladders, and it fits! Thanks again for all your advice!

Dragonfly7673 (Vicki) said...

ok, now I have to avoid looking at Amazon or I'm going to want Buffy and Angel! (just bought first book of the season 8 graphic novel)

couch to 5K is supposed to be a good program. I haven't done it recently but I did start it as a walking program until I got myself moving regularly. Of course then it snowed and now it's been two years....